Shocking Sex Fact That’s why women pretend to fake orgasms. Know what their answers are!

Why Do Women Fake Their Orgasms: It is not easy for women to orgasm during sex, but research shows that 7 out of 10 women claim false orgasms from their partner. Why? Do know the reason behind this, because up to 70 percent of the partner is responsible for this.

Studies show that seven out of 10 women claim to have faked orgasms and the reasons they gave were shocking. Research by Emily Thomas of Ryerson’s two universities in Canada and Monica Stelzel and Michelle Lafrance of St. Thomas revealed that women have to tell their partners that they enjoy having sex very much.

Research by Emily Thomas (Ryerson University, Canada), Monica Stelzel, and Michel Lafrance (St Thomas University, Canada) was presented at the British Psychological Society Annual Conference of Psychology in 2016.

Shocking Sex Fact That's why women pretend to fake orgasms. Know what their answers are!
Shocking Sex Fact That’s why women pretend to fake orgasms. Know what their answers are!

According to the report, women claim false orgasms from their partners. And very few of them had felt a real orgasm. At the same time, a study conducted by researchers at the University of Waterloo has shown that many women involved in the research talked about false fun on sex.

The study included 15 women (aged 19-28) who had been sexually active for at least a year. She said she falsely claims that she is mostly sexually satisfied with her partner. Though she had expressed her consent to have sex with her partner, and it was not coercive for her, she did not enjoy it.

Know why sexually active women do not enjoy sex

Wesleyan University psychology professors Psyche Louis and Luke Harrison found that when women are not emotionally ready, they do not enjoy sex. But, at the same time, there are many other reasons why women do have sex but are unable to enjoy it.

Know what shocking things the women told

Women openly shared their experiences in the research and explained why they claimed false orgasms from their partners. Usually, every partner has to understand this.

Women used to say they use false orgasm medicine to end sex quickly.

Some women said that without preparing them, their partner remains eager for sex.

Some women claim fake orgasms so their partner does not go elsewhere.

Women also said that the biggest reason for not enjoying sex was their mind being busy doing many other things. She was worried about her actions during sex.

Some said before having sex, their partner did not create any atmosphere, nor did four play. Due to this, they do not enjoy sex.

Know what experts say

Experts say that sex happens with the coordination of both mind and body. So testosterone hormone is also activated in women only when they are mentally ready for sex, and only then can they get an orgasm.

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